Saturday, March 26, 2011


Heterogenous group of proteins; includes immunoglobulins, clotting factors, acute-phase proteins, and complement proteins
Hyperglobulinemia—high serum globulin concentration
Hypoglobulinemia—low serum globulin concentration
Gammopathy—any abnormality in the concentration of immunoglobulins

Hyperglobulinemia—from increased production of immunoglobulins and hepatic synthesis of acute-phase proteins; falsely increased by dehydration; classified as either polyclonal or monoclonal; may result in hyperviscosity syndrome and impaired immune function
Polyclonal gammopathies—from production of immunoglobulins by several different cell lines; usually in response to persistent antigenic stimulation
Monoclonal gammopathies—from synthesis of one type of immunoglobulin by a single clone of cells; proliferation may be associated with lymphoid hyperplasia or neoplasia.
Hypoglobulinemia—from either impaired synthesis or extracorporeal globulin loss
Impaired synthesis—results in immunodeficiency syndromes; characterized by chronic infection and unthrifty appearance
Extracorporeal loss—commonly from gastrointestinal disease; also secondary to blood loss; rarely from hepatic insufficiency and renal losses

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